mostly comedy

Hitchin comedy club, bringing the best-known acts to Hertfordshire since 2008.
Hosted by David Ephgrave. "Devastatingly witty" (EdFest Mag)

Our Next show: 24th April 2025 – SOLD OUT

Stephen K Amos, Andy Hamilton, David Ephgrave

Previous Shows

28th October 2021 – CANCELLED

Thursday October 28th 2021, Hitchin Town Hall

28th October 2021 – CANCELLED

Arthur Smith, Katie Pritchard, Doggett & Ephgrave (plus live podcast interview)

LYNN RUTH MILLER (1933-2021)
We were very sad to hear that the comedic powerhouse LYNN RUTH MILLER (who was due to appear at this gig) has passed away. It sounds like a stock phrase, but she was utterly inspirational, and our MTMC podcast interview with her at the end of 2020 was eye-opening. We were looking forward to welcoming her back.

She was a glorious woman who’ll be much missed. We send our love to her friends and family.

We sadly had to cancel this show, due to circumstances beyond our control.

It’s no secret that the club’s taken a hit during the pandemic, and the combination of the number of refunds claimed when the date changed – and the lower-than-usual take-up – meant we needed to more than double the tickets sold in the remaining week to cover our running costs alone. And we couldn’t afford to swallow the loss we’d take if the show went ahead.

We’re very sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment caused and would like to thank you for your continued support of Mostly Comedy. Not only will WeGotTickets refund your ticket, but DOGGETT & EPHGRAVE will also personally refund your booking fee (which covers WeGotTickets’ admin costs) as a goodwill gesture.

We hope to see you at our next show on 18th November, with SIMON DAY and NORMAN LOVETT.

All the best,

Doggett & Ephgrave